Role & Responsibility
-Implementing Quality control plans and procedures to provide the most efficient and effective onsite construction works.
-Planning and coordinating QA/QC activities, ensuring quality control of the work according to contractual requirements.
-Modification of ITP’s, Check-List’s, Test-Reports according to company standards and international codes.
-Material verification and dimensional inspection of GRE, GRV, RTR pipes, fittings and thermoplastic pipes, fittings as per applicable code / standard.
-Reviewing of MOS, ITP's, QCPs and manufacturer’s procedure specification.
-Verifying IRC, MTC, COC, Raw Materials details as per Vendor ITP. MR, PO, DN’s shall be verify prior to receiving the materials.
-Before receiving of Non-Metallic material shall verifying the flat and zero ground level, supports spacing, rocks and sharp objects free grade level.
-Upon receiving of RTR-P material shall be immediately covered with Tarpaulins. All pipes and fittings
-Shall be segregated according to Line Class and Service.
-Adhesives, Resins and Gaskets will be stored separately as per the manufacturers recommendation and to facilitate “first-in first-out“ policy.
-During material receiving inspection of non-metallic piping material verify commodity code,
diameter, Schedule, Class, Correct rating, HT number and traceability of FM & NSF, IRC, MTC.
-Conducting Weekly Handling, Storage and Preservation inspections with Clients representative.
-Implementing internal check lists prior to start of each activity and conducting internal meetings with construction crew for better quality and progress.
-Executing Mock-Up joints and testing according to SAEP-407 and implementing the standard
-Preparing new JCC cards for installers as per test coupon acceptance and maintain RTR-P installer JCC log.
-Verification of Installer qualification (JCC) and conducting TOOL BOX TALK prior to start of any new activity.
-Internal inspecting on daily basis for storage and preservation of RTR pipes, fittings, adhesives,
Gaskets, O-rings, Locking Strips, lamination kits and Chemicals.
Requirement /Qualification
Major / Degree
RTR and UG Piping / Senior supervising Inspector
Expertise / Skill
-Aramco approval at three previous Project
-QC Inspector Training Certificate
-Control subcontractor inspector
-Understanding Scope of Work
-Understanding Schedule Q Requirements and Amiral Standard / international standard
-Communication Skill