Ways to make the best of the search
The jobs are sorted on relevance by default. The most relevant ones appear at the top.
The keywords you choose to give in the keyword box may result in you finding that elusive right match. Give a little thought to the words you want to use. These will determine the type or spread of jobs you get to see.
The jobs are sorted on relevance by default. The most relevant ones appear at the top.
Start with the obvious, give the keywords which relate to the type of job that you are looking for. They could be the skills that you have, designations of the jobs that you want, or the qualifications that you hold. In addition you could be giving the city name, company that you want to work for etc.
The jobs are sorted on relevance by default. The most relevant ones appear at the top.
For examlpe:
If you are a graduate, with some experience in a call center looking for a job in Bangalore ? you should give BPO Team Leader Bangalore in the keyword box.
If you are a graduate, with some experience in a call center looking for a job in Bangalore, but in an internet company you should give Internet graduate Bangalore in the keyword box.
If you are a qualified network administrator, with the required technical qualifications you should give Network administrator in the keyword box.
Some tips:
Multiple search words will give you more results
If you are searching for phrases, then use around the phrase. For example: Sales Manager Art Director etc.